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Everything To Know About Fire Extinguishers In Cars

Everything To Know About Fire Extinguishers In Cars

You may have heard about automobile fires. It is a common occurrence is car races but can also affect cars, trucks, and big rigs. So, it is a common peril most vehicle owners need to think about. Having a fire extinguisher in your car is a safe choice.  You should go with these options as they ensure safety and offer you peace of mind.

Fire Extinguisher Testing

Why is it essential?

Motor vehicle fires are no longer a rare occurrence. It can occur when your vehicle has complications in its electrical or mechanical systems. The oil or fuel can pose the risk of igniting. So, when an automobile has design flaws like leaks in the fuel tank, flaws with its electrical design, faulty batteries, mechanical/electrical failures, engine overheating, trouble with heating system, or issue with power steering, coolant, or brake fluid, these issues can result in an automobile fire. To overcome the danger of fire accidents, having an extinguisher handy can help save lives. Yes, this is essential and you should think about it.

Mandatory Fire Extinguishers

All commercial trucks, buses, and truck tractors need to have mandatory fire extinguishers as per the laws of the country. Some vehicles get the exemption of not having a fire extinguisher. For personal cars, Australian laws do not suggest the use of fire extinguishers. So, if you are using a car for your personal use, then you may forgo the use of fire extinguishers.

But, if you are providing a vehicle to your employees, then the registered vehicle must install and maintain fire extinguishers. It will offer a safe environment for your employees to work. Australian work law emphasis on installing the fire protection equipment in all the vehicles at your workplace. It offers a sense of safety to your employees. There are many benefits of owning one and this guide should prove helpful to you.

Location And Use

While using fire extinguishers in vehicles, you need to ensure that it is a location that is easily accessible. When you place it in inconvenient places like the trunk of the car, you cannot use it immediately. It is also important to securely mount the extinguisher to prevent rolling around or sliding during an accident. A flying extinguisher can result in deadly outcomes.

You need to service or replace the fire extinguishers as suggested in the manual to ensure it is in the right condition. You need to recharge or replace it after every use. Another important factor is that you need to maintain any fire extinguishers. So, you need a monthly inspection or service by experts to ensure it works properly and will safeguard your life. The testing of all fire safety equipment is critical in the safety of the vehicle as well as the passengers. It is because the testing can shed light on the effectiveness and accessibility of the product in case of a fire in the motor vehicle.

Testing Of Fire Extinguishers In Your Car

You need to access the services of a professional test and tag team to ensure it works per the Australian standards. The Local Guys Test and Tag team will test the fire extinguishers according to the AS 1851-2010 Australian standards of Maintenance of Fire Protection Systems and Equipment. The team of experts will check it every six months to ensure the fire extinguisher is fully functional and will operate properly to prevent any loss of equipment, property, or lives. The team will complete the following:

  • Visual Inspection
  • Record the results for reference

Click on to ensure the fire extinguisher in your car works properly and will help you in times of fire accidents. You should have prior information about such things as it is all about safety and security, so check out the site for more information.

Effective Fire Extinguisher
Request a Quote

The Local Guys Test & Tag, the experts in electrical safety, specialise in comprehensive electrical safety testing. Offering risk assessments for premises, advice on safety switches, electrical circuit safety, and conduct testing and tagging for portable appliances and equipment. Providing a free service quote, contact The Local Guys Test & Tag for further information.

Disclaimer: The information provided in this blog is for general informational purposes only. While we strive to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the information we strongly advise that any electrical work or modifications be carried out by a licensed and qualified professional electrician. The content of this blog should not be considered as a substitute for professional advice or consultation. Any reliance you place on such information is strictly at your own risk.
