Most employees are been working from home these days due to current situation. There may be various reasons this is the case, including parenting responsibilities, office renovations, sicknesses, or self isolating and working from home to stop the spread. No matter the reason for an individual to work from home, you should try to make yourself more productive and ensure the work health safety.
Here are some WHS tips while working from home
While working from home one must consider some vital point from health and safety aspect including:
1. Design of the work station or the working arrangements
The working arrangement has to be as good and healthy as at the office. You must ensure that the work station at home is set up correctly. The table you are using is strong enough to take weight of your equipment. Ensure the key board is at proper height in relation to your chair, and your mouse is at equal height of the keyboard. It will provide you a comfortable position to work and prevent the risk of back or neck ache due to incorrect posture.
Make sure that your work counter is suitable for work and helpful to allow you to focus on the work. Lighting arrangements should also reduce the glare or reflection on the computer monitor, to protect your eyesight.
2. Work and life balance
To have a good work and life balance is vital. Take breaks at home as you would usually take in the office atmosphere. Try to get away from your work area, go for a short walk outside, and clear your mind. It will make you more productive in the long run. It is filling yourself energy and giving your mind a relaxing aura.
Set up your work space in distinctive area and it might be a room or a corner, but most important thing is to have a consistent space where you can work from. Begin your day and end it like you do it in your office.
3. Make a schedule and work accordingly
Write down what you need to do on the day and check your progress at the end of the day.
Be in touch with your team and superiors whether on phone or virtually. Keep them informed about your work and get help if needed.
Ensure that you donโt get interrupted by your children, pets, or television.
Make your family and friends understand that during work hours, the priority is work.
4. Make sure to check the electrical equipment safety
Even working from home you must ensure the safety of electrical devices like extension cords are in good condition. You should have enough ventilation for electronic devices in the area you have set up your work station.
You can hire test and tag team to get this equipment checked. The process developed by the expert test and tag team ensures the customers, as well as businesses, can complete testing and tagging with just minimal disruptions. So, experts complete testing and tagging at a faster pace and more effectively. You can visit to know about the company and process.